Friday, November 23, 2012

Thanksgiving... and the day after migraine. Bleh.

Happy Thanksgiving!  This year we hosted the Skaggs (my) family at our house.  I think we need a bigger house... lol!
Madison got up early to help us stuff the Turkey.  She likes the gross jobs... go figure.

So... the stuffing recipe asked for 2 cups of butter.  Wow.  Worth EVERY bit!

Biggest bowl of mashed potatoes EVER!!!  Mark cooked up 12 huge potatoes... and half of them are still in my fridge... Now what!!??

Living room feast!  A great photo of everyone.  Okay... maybe not!


STILL working on this project.

Who's idea was this anyway?  Oh yeah.  The hubby. We came.  We saw.  We left.
And then I woke up with the worst migraine ever.  Today I am thankful for AWESOME kids who hold down the fort so this mama can sleeeeeep!

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