This is one of my favorite tools I’ve used over the years to book those clients who drive us all crazy. The one who cannot make up her mind to save her life.
While she’s in this “maybe” state, you don’t want to seem uncaring, so you follow up, and you follow up again, “can I answer any additional questions for you?”… “what can I help you with in this decision-making process?” … basically you’re thinking, “what in the heck do I have to do to get you to sign on the dotted line!!!”
And so you end up feeling like a stalker. And the client always disappears.
This is why I love this simple email tool. It scoops up those customers who would have disappeared!
I actually call this “the disappearing cleint email” or “the check is in the mail email” and I keep it in my draft email folder, so I can simply copy and paste it into a new email.
Here’s the email -
Dear {firstname},
I just wanted to check in with you since we last talked/emailed. I haven’t received your contract (or heard from you since you said you wanted to work together), and I am starting to receive other inquiries.
Please let me know if you’re ready to move forward! I do need to hear back from you by ______ (insert date here, like this friday, date) with your confirmation (or contract/deposit), or I will assume that you’re going in another direction.
Just let me know what you’d like to do and I look forward to working together soon!
Sign off here….
But the best part is that you’ll scoop up the majority of those “disappearing clients” simply because they needed a gently nudge to make a decision!
I can’t wait to hear your success with this super simple, effective email tip!
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