Monday, December 3, 2012

Are you fired up?

Have you ever felt so burnt out and tapped out that nothing really fired you up? Me too. And usually what follows is that you don't get excited about events, you don't really want to talk to your clients, and your marketing begins to suffer ... so the leads eventually dry up.

I've lost that passion before in my career and it was no fun. Normally when this happens, I've realized I have been pushing myself too much, and working way too hard. During those times, I usually stopped feeding my own creativity and as a result, I lost my own inspiration and burning fire of passion. It never fails that when I step back, gain some perspective and get back to what really fires me up - why I do what I do in the first place - everything comes back full circle and starts working fabulously again.

When you do what fires you up, your life gets easier and is a whole lot more fun! If I've realized anything huge as an entrepreneur these past 10 years, it's how things truly click and come together when I'm having a great time in my business!

Clients LOVE working with people who are inspired, are inspiring, and are full of life, creativity and passion for what they do! So, if you find yourself feeling emotionally or creatively depleted right now, my suggestion is to turn inward. Get still and listen to that inner voice. Ask yourself what's missing. Ask for guidance. Ask to be shown what to do and what to let go of. And journal what comes up.

That quiet inner voice that fills you with a feeling of love (not fear) never steers you in the wrong direction.
Get inspired, get fired up, and invite passion and love back into your life in a big way. Watch what kind of magic comes from living in this wonderful place of burning desire and passion to do what you love!

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