Wednesday, November 28, 2012

once upon a time...

Fourteen years ago my hubby Mark and I were sealed in the LDS Salt Lake Temple.  It was a chilly and rainy day... but they say rain is good luck at weddings. 

Fourteen years, four kids, six homes, and who knows how many cars later... I still love this guy.  I'll be totally honest and say it has not been an easy road.  Grown up challenges are hard.  But I love this guy, and I am thankful he sticks by me through the good and the bad.

Saturday, November 24, 2012

Black Friday...Kids Style!

Today my little future entrepreneurs set up shop outside to make a few extra bucks.  They made all sorts of "super useful" crafts, and set out there wares.  I'm so glad I have kind neighbors.  The kids had a ball!

Boys Room Insiration

Well, my baby is not a baby anymore.  Bummer.  But he sure is a handsome little guy.

It's time for this kid to get a "big boy" room... and I'm looking for a little inspiration.  I'm hoping I don't just end up with a Lightning McQueen comforter.

Here are a few ideas that I'm head over heels over:

So... what do you think?  Do you like where I'm headed?  Anything you've seen that I must lay my eyes on before I get started??

Small Business Tip of the Week

This is one of my favorite tools I’ve used over the years to book those clients who drive us all crazy. The one who cannot make up her mind to save her life. 

While she’s in this “maybe” state, you don’t want to seem uncaring, so you follow up, and you follow up again, “can I answer any additional questions for you?”… “what can I help you with in this decision-making process?” … basically you’re thinking, “what in the heck do I have to do to get you to sign on the dotted line!!!”

And so you end up feeling like a stalker. And the client always disappears. 
This is why I love this simple email tool. It scoops up those customers who would have disappeared! 

Friday, November 23, 2012

My little boy. There are no words...

Logan has this thing about stealing my iphone.  He is an expert Temple Run player (he calls it Monkey Fast), and he LOVES to photograph himself.  I have probably 50 of these on my phone right now.  STINKER.

Thank you for the wise words...

Thanksgiving... and the day after migraine. Bleh.

Happy Thanksgiving!  This year we hosted the Skaggs (my) family at our house.  I think we need a bigger house... lol!
Madison got up early to help us stuff the Turkey.  She likes the gross jobs... go figure.

So... the stuffing recipe asked for 2 cups of butter.  Wow.  Worth EVERY bit!

Biggest bowl of mashed potatoes EVER!!!  Mark cooked up 12 huge potatoes... and half of them are still in my fridge... Now what!!??

Living room feast!  A great photo of everyone.  Okay... maybe not!


STILL working on this project.

Who's idea was this anyway?  Oh yeah.  The hubby. We came.  We saw.  We left.
And then I woke up with the worst migraine ever.  Today I am thankful for AWESOME kids who hold down the fort so this mama can sleeeeeep!

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Fun Front Door Snowflake!

I was looking for something other than the typical Christmas wreath for my front door this year.  Well actually I have my eye on a couple of wreaths at Hobby Lobby right now.... but I'm holding out for the after Christmas discount.  Hoping and praying they have a few left.  I just can't pay full price when I know they'll be 80 percent off in a few weeks (plus the employee discount). Cross your fingers for me.

So. Anyways... I found a version of this project HERE, but thought it would work great on my black front door.  A pack of popscicle sticks, some hot glue, and glossy white spray paint, and we were good to go.  In under 30 minutes.  Can't complain about that!

I've had soooo many compliments already.  And yes... it went up a week before Thanksgiving. 
That's how I roll!

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Easy Ebelskivers

We are celebrating the last few weeks of late church around here with yummy Sunday morning breakfast!

On today's menu?  Ebelskivers!!  Soooo yummy!

Easy Ebelskivers

  • 2 cups flour
  • 1 teaspoon baking powder
  • ½ teaspoon salt
  • 2 cups milk, preferably whole
  • 4 eggs

  • Warm pure maple syrup and powdered sugar for serving
  • Wooden skewers or chopsticks for cooking
Mix ingredients in a medium bowl.  Spray an Ebelskiver pan with non stick spray.  Spoon batter into pan.  Let cook for about 1 minute and then use a skewer to flip.  Let cook about 3 to 4 more minutes to cook through, rotating often. (You do not want these gooey in the middle!!)

Serve with warm maple syrup or jam, and powdered sugar.  Enjoy!!!

Saturday, November 17, 2012

I heart Sister Dalton.

Best Peanut Butter Cookies... Ever!!

These cookies are so moist and fluffy!  I usually have all of the ingredients on hand, for an easy Sunday night treat!

Best Peanut Butter Cookies... Ever!!

(Makes about 3 dozen cookies)Ingredients:
1 cup (2 sticks) butter
1 cup brown sugar
1 cup granulated sugar
2 eggs
1 1/2 cups creamy peanut butter
2 1/2 cups all purpose flour
1 teaspoon baking soda
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
Extra granulated sugar (for rolling cookie dough in)

Mix butter, sugar and peanut butter.  Add eggs, flour, baking soda and vanilla extract.  Roll dough into 1 inch balls, roll in sugar, place on ungreased cookie sheet and use a fork to make the criss-cross design on top.  Bake at 350°F for about 12 minutes or until golden brown.